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A Frog

Transcript of A Frog

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A Frog

Transcript of A Frog

Player: hi
A Frog: Hi, Mogh.
Player: assistant
A Frog: You're his assistant now? Ha ha. Ribbit.
Player: human
A Frog: An overrated life form. Rrrrreally. Ribbit.
Player: magic
A Frog: Overrated. Who needs magic when you can be a frog? Ribbit!
Player: demon / samael
A Frog: I've grown quite fond of the old chap. Or then again, no I haven't, really. All that anger can get on your nerves. Ribbit.
Player: Eclesius
A Frog: Ah, I don't care about him anymore. Ribbit. Live and let live, that's my motto.
Player: ribbit
A Frog: Yeah! Ribbit all the way!
Player: frog
A Frog: I love being a frog! Rrrribbit! Especially now! I just need to find me a frog girl and all will be well.
Player: job
A Frog: What do I need a job for? I'm a happy frog! Ribbit! Hehehehe!
Player: name
A Frog: Well... ribbit... my name is Turian. But that doesn't really matter anymore. Frog will do.
Player: bye
A Frog: Farewell, Mogh. Ribbit.
Player: ribbit
A Frog: Sure, we can talk in that language too. Rrrribbit.

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