Player: Hi
A Sweaty Cyclops: Hum Humm! Welcume here li'l Haishen.
Player: Here/Job
A Sweaty Cyclops: I am smith.
Player: Smith
A Sweaty Cyclops: Working steel is my profession.
Player: Steel
A Sweaty Cyclops: Many kinds of. Some I forge. But not ancient steel.
Player: Forge
A Sweaty Cyclops: Me can forge equipment back to steel. Like Za'Ralator, Uth'Kean, Uth'Lokr, Uth'Prta.
Player: Ancient Steel
A Sweaty Cyclops: Very old. Like Mesh Kaha Rogh, Za'Kalortith, Uth'Byth, Uth'Morc, Uth'Amon, Uth'Maer, Uth'Doon, and Zatragil.
Player: Za'Ralator
A Sweaty Cyclops: Hellsteel is. Cursed and evil. Dangerous to work with. Me can make from evil helmet. Li'l one want to trade?
Player: Uth'Kean
A Sweaty Cyclops: Very noble. Shiny. Me like. But breaks so fast. Me can make from shiny armour. Li'l one want to trade?
Player: Uth'Lokr
A Sweaty Cyclops: Firy steel it is. Need green ones' breath to melt. Or red even better. Me can make from shield. Li'l one want to trade?
Player: Uth'Prta
A Sweaty Cyclops: Good iron is. Me friends use it much for fight. Me can make from weapon. Li'l one want to trade?
Player: Mesh Kaha Rogh
A Sweaty Cyclops: Steel that is singing when forged. No one knows where find today.
Player: Za'Kalortith
A Sweaty Cyclops: It's evil. Demon iron is. No good cyclops goes where you can find and need evil flame to melt.
Player: Uth'Byth
A Sweaty Cyclops: Not good to make stuff off. Bad steel it is. But eating magic, so useful is.
Player: Uth'Morc
A Sweaty Cyclops: Li'l ones it thieves' steel call sometimes. It's dark and making not much noise.
Player: Uth'Amon
A Sweaty Cyclops: Brightsteel is. Much art made with it. Sorcerers too lazy and afraid to enchant much.
Player: Uth'Maer
A Sweaty Cyclops: Heartiron from heart of big old mountain, found very deep. Li'l li'l ones fiercely defend. Not wanting to have it used for stuff but holy stuff.
Player: Uth'Doon
A Sweaty Cyclops: It's high steel called. Only li'l li'l ones know how make.
Player: Zatragil
A Sweaty Cyclops: Most ancients use dream silver for different stuff. Now ancients most gone. Most not know about.
Player: Name
A Sweaty Cyclops: I called Bencthyclthrtrprr by me people. Li'l ones me call Big Ben.
Player: Humans
A Sweaty Cyclops: Always asking me for stuff they can't afford.
Player: Orcs
A Sweaty Cyclops: Silly ones. Not talk much. Always screaming and hitting.
Player: Elves
A Sweaty Cyclops: Me not fight them, they not fight me.
Player: Minotaurs
A Sweaty Cyclops: They were friend with me parents. Long before elves here, they often made visit. No longer come here.
Player: Dwarfs
A Sweaty Cyclops: Li'l li'l ones are so fun. We often chat.
Player: Ab'dendriel
A Sweaty Cyclops: Me parents live here before town was. Me not care about li'l ones.
Player: Cyclops
A Sweaty Cyclops: Me people not live here much. Most are far away.
Player: Tibia
A Sweaty Cyclops: One day I'll go and look.
Player: lil' lil'
A Sweaty Cyclops: Li'l li'l ones are so fun. We often chat.
Player: Teshial/Cenath/Deraisim/Kuridai
A Sweaty Cyclops: Is one of elven family or such thing. Me not understand li'l ones and their business.
Player: Excalibug
A Sweaty Cyclops: Me wish I could make weapon like it.
Player: Warlord sword
A Sweaty Cyclops: Do li'l one want to trade a warlord sword?
Player: Magic sword
A Sweaty Cyclops: Silly li'l one you are.
Player: Sword of valor
A Sweaty Cyclops: Do li'l one want to trade a sword of valor?
Player: Melt
A Sweaty Cyclops: Can melt gold ingot for li'l one. You want?
Player: Dragon shield
A Sweaty Cyclops: Do li'l one want to trade a dragon shield?
Player: Fire sword
A Sweaty Cyclops: Do li'l one want to trade a fire sword?
Player: Bright sword
A Sweaty Cyclops: Do li'l one want to trade a bright sword?
Player: Gods
A Sweaty Cyclops: You shut up. Me not want to hear.
Player: Amulet
A Sweaty Cyclops: Big Ben no has it more! When you also no have it, you have lost mighty, mighty amulet! Stupid li'l one!
Player: Big old one
A Sweaty Cyclops: Mountain in south. Li'l li'l ones living there.
Player: Enchanted plate
A Sweaty Cyclops: Do li'l one want to trade an enchanted plate armor?
Player: Serpent sword
A Sweaty Cyclops: Do li'l one want to trade a serpent sword?
Player: Bye/Farewell
A Sweaty Cyclops: Good bye li'l one.
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