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Admiral Wyrmslicer

Transcript of Admiral Wyrmslicer

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Admiral Wyrmslicer

Transcript of Admiral Wyrmslicer

Player: hi / hello
Admiral Wyrmslicer: Greetings, Mogh. Have you anything to report?
Player: job
Admiral Wyrmslicer: I am admiral of the Thaian fleet and commander of this fort and the local military.
Player: Carlin
Admiral Wyrmslicer: Sooner or later Carlin will be nothing more than a footnote in history. Look at the size of our kingdom and compare it with Carlin ...
Admiral Wyrmslicer: One day they will accept that it is better to rejoin the kingdom and to combine our efforts and resources for the good of all.
Player: Charlotta
Admiral Wyrmslicer: I believe she is this old healer in town. I don't think she is happy with our presence here but she did nothing yet that would justify to arrest her.
Player: Chondur
Admiral Wyrmslicer: I heard about that man. For some people he is some kind of father figure. If he should ever misuse that, we will take a closer look at him.
Player: cult
Admiral Wyrmslicer: The talks about the cult are getting tiresome. There is no such thing. It is only another superstition here.
Player: Eleonore
Admiral Wyrmslicer: This young lady truly graces Liberty Bay with her presence. It is always a pleasure to meet her.
Player: excalibug
Admiral Wyrmslicer: Excalibug is an inspiring myth, but after all, only a myth.
Player: Explorer Society
Admiral Wyrmslicer: We welcome the representatives of the society here and will do our best to support them.
Player: Ferumbras
Admiral Wyrmslicer: I am not familiar with witchcraft and sorcery. Perhaps you should ask someone else.
Player: gossip
Admiral Wyrmslicer: Spare me the nonsense that people made up, like sinister cultists, quara infiltrators, pirate hideouts voodoo curses and whatnot! ...
Admiral Wyrmslicer: I've heard it all, and it is completely rubbish and a waste of my time! We have everything firmly under control. And to ensure this, I warn you not to talk to the townspeople about such issues!
Player: governor
Admiral Wyrmslicer: The governor is a fine man, and I do my best to support him in all his efforts.
Player: Isolde
Admiral Wyrmslicer: Competent and efficient. I give nothing about ugly rumours, and she never, ever, betrayed the trust put into her.
Player: king
Admiral Wyrmslicer: LONG LIVE THE KING!
Player: Liberty Bay
Admiral Wyrmslicer: It might take some time, but with our guidance the city will flourish and prosper.
Player: loveless / theodore
Admiral Wyrmslicer: Mr. Loveless has a sharp and quick mind. If he were no trader, he would have made a great officer.
Player: natives
Admiral Wyrmslicer: I don't want to hear talks about 'natives' or such. We are all subjects of his majesty, the King of Thais.
Player: pirate
Admiral Wyrmslicer: Pirates are vermin and we will wipe them from the map wherever they raise their ugly heads.
Player: plantations
Admiral Wyrmslicer: There is always trouble at the plantations, either with the rotworms or with drunken or rebellious workers.
Player: quara
Admiral Wyrmslicer: The quara are treacherous foes who don't fight with common tactics. This and the security of the seas, to which they can withdraw, make it difficult to handle them properly.
Player: Raymond Striker
Admiral Wyrmslicer: Captain Striker is one of the more cunning pirates. Up to now, he managed to escape but sooner or later he will run out of luck.
Player: rum
Admiral Wyrmslicer: Rum can be just as good for morale as it can be bad. It has to be administered with care.
Player: sugar
Admiral Wyrmslicer: We need the sugar. We will ensure with everything that is at our command that the supply of sugar is kept up.
Player: report
Admiral Wyrmslicer: I heard enough of the gossip and superstitions. I am fed up with that nonsense!
Player: thais
Admiral Wyrmslicer: Thais is of course the crown of our kingdom and the place our hearts will belong to forever.
Player: Tristan
Admiral Wyrmslicer: A fine knight indeed. I am very pleased with his efforts.
Player: venore
Admiral Wyrmslicer: The efforts Venore put into this city are admirable. It's only fair that they gain a certain profit from that.
Player: voodoo
Admiral Wyrmslicer: Superstition! We have real sorcerers and none of them uses such prankish trickery.
Player: Wyrmslicer
Admiral Wyrmslicer: My family is respected for many deeds of heroism. There is a well-known dragon slayer in our bloodline which earned us that name of honour.
Player: bye / farewell
Admiral Wyrmslicer: Good bye Mogh, you may leave.

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