Player: hi / hello
Cillia: Welcome to the Prize Exhibition. I offer tickets for 50 gold as well as replica of certain old weapons. The special exhibition is for free.
Player: name
Cillia: I'm Cillia, actually it is CEcillia!
Player: time
Cillia: It's 5:20 pm right now.
Player: job
Cillia: I sell tickets for the exhibition here. I also sell some replica items.
Player: replica
Cillia: I have dozens of wonderful replica of strong weapons. Take a look at them.
Player: ticket
Cillia: So, do you want to buy a ticket?
Player: yes
Cillia: And here we go!
Player: special
Cillia: This is a new section of the museum. It is dealing with different landscapes from all over Tibia. Enjoy it, it's for free! The entrance is over there between the two pillars.
Player: bye / farewell
Cillia: Good bye and enjoy your stay Player.
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