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Cranky Lizard Crone

Transcript of Cranky Lizard Crone

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Cranky Lizard Crone

Transcript of Cranky Lizard Crone

Player: hi
Cranky Lizard Crone: Hello zere! Erm, iz... iz zere zomeone zere? Come clozer I can't zee zo good anymore.
Player: behaviour / name / anymore
Cranky Lizard Crone: All izz gtting harder and harder witzz zze yearzz, even my job.
Player: emperor
Cranky Lizard Crone: Hm, I don't really know, it seemz I.. cannot really remember. Well, I guezz he did not interfere wiz ze lifez of uz small folk here in ze village. And we alwayz had problemz of our own.
Player: zao
Cranky Lizard Crone: The world in which we all dwell. I have been here for zo long now, zo long.
Player: cape / hat
Cranky Lizard Crone: I made zomezing for you, didn't I? Now leave ziz plaze, hush! Leave me alone.
Player: mission / quest
Cranky Lizard Crone: Oooh... I am alone again, alone forever. Oooh. And nozing to do, nozing. But I want to help.. want to make up for the trouble I cauzed. ...
Cranky Lizard Crone: YOU - you zere, I can help you.. maybe, I can clean your houze, no? Or make breakfazt, no? Do you have any trouzerz, hat, cape or clozez you need to fix, no? Ah, I am alone, ever alone.
Player: bye
Cranky Lizard Crone: Goodbye erm... your name waz... erm...

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