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Transcript of Drog

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Transcript of Drog

Player: hi
Drog: ... Hellooooo!
Player: beer / chocolate cake
Drog: I heard that he's been missing for a week now. For sure that half-blind mole fell into the lava!
Player: beregar / rehal
Drog: These 20 beers each evening kill ME. Muahahahaha!
Player: buy / shop
Drog: Bol......I'd love to lay down under a cask of beer and you open it. You think that's possible?
Player: druid / sell
Drog: One question Bol: Why don't you have an urinal in your tavern?
Player: dwarf / emperor
Drog: Muahahahaha!!!
Player: food / meat
Drog: NO WAY! You're kiddin' me?!?!
Player: Grombur
Drog: Calm down Bol!
Player: ham / paladin
Drog: Hey Bol, that last beer you gave me yesterday must have been bad. It took me 2 hours to get to my place!
Player: job
Player: kazordoon / quest
Drog: Naa, it was in the northern mine. I'm on duty in the western mine this month.
Player: knight / sorcerer
Drog: Wanna play dice Bol?
Player: male / female
Drog: Ohoh, I gotta go now. Just remembered that I have a rotworm in my oven.
Player: mine / offer
Drog: About time, Bol honey!
Player: name
Drog: ....Ahhhh.

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