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Golem Servant

Transcript of Golem Servant

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Golem Servant

Transcript of Golem Servant

Player: Hi
Golem Servant: You are too late, flesh unit! We must restart the repair procedure.
Player: Job/Here
Golem Servant: I am a servant and maintenance golem. I also operate the lift.
Player: Lift
Golem Servant: The lift is damaged, sir or madame flesh unit! I could initiate the repair process but I need the correct tools and parts for the repairs ...
Golem Servant: If you wish to initiate the repair process ask me for repairs, male or female unit.
Player: Repairs
Golem Servant: You must bring me the correct components or tools. The items deteriorate when they leave their conservation fields so you must be quick ...
Golem Servant: Are you ready, flesh unit?
Player: Yes
Golem Servant: Grease! Grease! Procedure impossible without proper amount of grease!
Player: Name
Golem Servant: I require no name.
Player: Repair
Golem Servant: You must bring me the correct components or tools. The items deteriorate when they leave their conservation fields so you must be quick ...
Golem Servant: Are you ready, flesh unit?
Player: No
Golem Servant: Understood! No repair procedure initiated.
Player: Bye/Farewell
Golem Servant: Good bye.

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