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Harkath Bloodblade

Transcript of Harkath Bloodblade

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Harkath Bloodblade

Transcript of Harkath Bloodblade

Player: hi / hello / hail / salutations
Harkath Bloodblade: Address me with my title, commoner Davaref!
Player: hail general / salutations general
Harkath Bloodblade: Salutations, commoner Davaref!
Player: army / guard
Harkath Bloodblade: The army protects our city. I divided it into 3 battle groups.
Player: banor
Harkath Bloodblade: He is the idol of all knights and paladins.
Player: battlegroup / battle group
Harkath Bloodblade: There are 3 battle groups: the 'Dogs of War', the 'Red Guards', and the 'Silver Guards'.
Player: benjamin
Harkath Bloodblade: He was the king's general before I was promoted. Poor guy, he lost his mind in a battle against evil Ferumbras.
Player: bozo
Harkath Bloodblade: I hardly know him.
Player: brog
Harkath Bloodblade: The orcs, trolls, and cyclopes sacrificed more than one of my men to Brog, the raging one.
Player: castle
Harkath Bloodblade: The castle is prepared to withstand any direct attack.
Player: chester
Harkath Bloodblade: I don't know much about him. He's a very secretive person.
Player: city
Harkath Bloodblade: The rapid growth of our city makes it hard to patrol and protect it.
Player: dogs of war
Harkath Bloodblade: They are our main army.
Player: eclesius
Harkath Bloodblade: I rarely see him. Been a long time since I last met him.
Player: elane
Harkath Bloodblade: AH! WHAT A WOMAN!
Player: enemies / enemy
Harkath Bloodblade: Evil has many faces. The servants of evil cannot always be recognised as easily as Ferumbras, for instance.
Player: excalibug
Harkath Bloodblade: The legend says that this weapon will enable its wielder to fight the mightiest demons all by himself.
Player: ferumbras
Harkath Bloodblade: He is allied with evil itself! Each time we kill him, he returns to take revenge.
Player: general
Harkath Bloodblade: It's my duty to lead the armed forces of our beloved city into battle against our enemies.
Player: god
Harkath Bloodblade: I worship Banor, the first warrior!
Player: gorn
Harkath Bloodblade: He used to be an adventurer. He was a fine fighter but lacked the discipline to serve in our army.
Player: how are you
Harkath Bloodblade: I'm in perfect condition.
Player: job / commoner
Harkath Bloodblade: I'm the general of the king's army.
Player: join
Harkath Bloodblade: Join what?
Player: join army
Harkath Bloodblade: Sorry, we don't recruit today. Perhaps you can join later if you have fulfilled a mission for the king.
Player: king
Player: leader
Harkath Bloodblade: King Tibianus III is our wise and just leader.
Player: mission / quest
Harkath Bloodblade: Sometimes the king calls for heroes. Keep your eyes and ears open! I also heard Baxter has some work for young adventurers.
Player: monster
Harkath Bloodblade: Only randomly they dare to attack the city itself.
Player: news
Harkath Bloodblade: No news are good news.
Player: rebellion
Harkath Bloodblade: Ask Chester of the TBI about that.
Player: red guard
Harkath Bloodblade: They are the special forces of our army. Some serve as city guards, others as secret police.
Player: resistance
Harkath Bloodblade: We will eliminate all resistance against law and order!
Player: sam / weapon / armor
Harkath Bloodblade: Sam is responsible to supply our troops with weapons and armor.
Player: secret police
Harkath Bloodblade: The secret police is a branch of the Red Guards, better known as TBI.
Player: silver guard
Harkath Bloodblade: The best sorcerers, paladins, knights, and druids of our forces are chosen to serve as Silver Guards. They are the king's bodyguards.
Player: stutch / harsky
Harkath Bloodblade: He's one of our best men and serves as a Silver Guard.
Player: subject
Harkath Bloodblade: We all live under the rule of our beloved king.
Player: tbi
Harkath Bloodblade: The Tibian Bureau of Investigation is something like a secret police. I don't bother much about such things, I prefer my fights eye to eye.
Player: zathroth
Harkath Bloodblade: Don't mention the dark one!
Player: fuck / idiot / ass / fag / shit / lunatic / tyrant / stupid
Harkath Bloodblade: Take this!
Player: sell
Harkath Bloodblade: Are you suggesting that I'm bribable?
Player: yes
Harkath Bloodblade: Take this!
Player: sell
Harkath Bloodblade: Are you suggesting that I'm bribable?
Player: no
Harkath Bloodblade: You should be careful with your words!
Player: bye / farewell
Harkath Bloodblade: LONG LIVE THE KING!

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