Player: hi
Iyad: Finally! A c...c...customer! Wh... where do you want to
Player: job
Iyad: I'm a licensed c...carpet pilot. I can transport you a warm
Player: fly
Iyad: I t...transport travellers to the continent of Darama for a small fee. It's w...warm there.
Player: transport / passage / ride
Iyad: I can fly you to Darashia, to Edron, to Kazordoon, to Z... Zao, to the F...Femor Hills or to Issavi if you like. W....Where do you want to go?
Player: name
Iyad: I'm k...known as Iyad Ibn Abdul.
Player: ferumbras
Iyad: The thought of s...some mad sorcerer unleashing some magic is very tempting.
Player: carlin
Iyad: close and s...still that far away.
Player: thais
Iyad: For all its m...mistakes, Thais is warm at least.
Player: go
Iyad: I can fly you to Darashia, to Edron, to Kazordoon, to the F...Femor Hills or to Issavi if you like. W....Where do you want to go?
Player: excalibug
Iyad: I would it for some firewood.
Player: continent
Iyad: This is no continent. This is h...hell.
Player: drefia
Iyad: Even D...Drefia can't be worse than this land.
Player: news
Iyad: I d...don't care about any unless it's the announcement of a h....heatwave.
Player: time
Iyad: It's p...probably the ice age.
Player: trade
Iyad: Th...there, in case you have earmuffs, I pay w...well!
Player: earmuffs
Iyad: Do you really have earmuffs f...for me?? If so, just ask me for a trade!
Player: bye
Iyad: D...Daraman's blessings... oh, how I m...miss my warm Darashia...
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