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Transcript of Ongulf

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Transcript of Ongulf

Player: Hi
Ongulf: Hello. Now that's what I'd call a project working ... more or less.
Player: Project/Base
Ongulf: After centuries the resources beneath and around the Big Old One became alarmingly short. Some decades ago, the imperial mining guild financed a project to search and establish new mines far away from Kazordoon. ...
Ongulf: After several tries with mixed success, the project of the technomancers proved the most successful. Their steamships studied and mapped the great underwater rivers deep beneath the earth. ...
Ongulf: With the help of certain apparatuses, they tracked deposits of ore and compiled ship routes to reach them. These mining bases had some obvious advantages and disadvantages. ...
Ongulf: The suitable spots had no connection to the surface. On the one hand, this meant that the new mines were safe from most kinds of beasts. On the other hand, it meant that all food and material had to be brought there by ship. ...
Ongulf: Special, heavy ships were built to carry ore and supplies back and forth. The only limitation for such bases had been the range of the steamships. ...
Ongulf: Recently, the technomancers with the help of the temples of fire and earth made some crucial discoveries that allowed the ships to extend their cruising range almost limitlessly. ...
Ongulf: The survey ships of the technomancers were once again sent out to find new, promising resources. ...
Ongulf: Sadly some of the ships never returned and others only found minor deposits of ore, not worth the effort. But one of the ships made some groundbreaking discovery - a cave that had a connection to the surface. ...
Ongulf: As far as the explorers could tell, the area had been unknown to dwarfhood and mankind so far. ...
Ongulf: What was more, the said cave system had an abundance of rare ores. The imperial mining guild agreed to fund a new project and to name it 'project far far away'. ...
Ongulf: Don't look at me, I'm not the one who came up with that name! Those technomancers are such an imaginative bunch. But where have we been? Oh, yes, the new project! ...
Ongulf: Well, some ships were sent to establish a first base. ...
Ongulf: It became painfully obvious that the number of workers needed there could not easily be supplied by the ships alone. Also such a base would require an amount of money, expertise and manpower that the guild could not provide.
Player: Mine
Ongulf: Mines are the veins of every dwarven hold. You humans will never understand the beauty of a mine and its underground halls. ...
Ongulf: It's not about its looks, but its purpose and importance for the community what makes a mine so special to our people. ...
Ongulf: It is one of the things that binds us together and gives us a common purpose.
Player: Guild
Ongulf: The imperial mining guild oversees the allocation of resources among the various mining projects. The guild is one of the most important institutions of dwarfhood. ...
Ongulf: Dozens of the finest miners are constantly planning and working for the best of their people in the name of the emperor who is of course the most prominent guild master.
Player: Orc
Ongulf: The orcs out there make me nervous but at least for now they seem to be kept at bay by their minotaur masters.
Player: Minotaur
Ongulf: I am still surprised by the role the minotaurs are playing in this land. I wouldn't consider them allies but in this strange new land, they are the closest thing to allies we have for now.
Player: Land/Surroundings
Ongulf: We dwarfs are comfortable with staying down here in the embrace of earth. Still, it worries me what might be out there. Probably a lot of trouble just waiting for us. Ah, well, soon enough we will see what this new land has in store for us.
Player: Human
Ongulf: Well, considering the sheer number of humans, it wouldn't surprise me if we encountered some humans in this new land. They are primitive but at least not hostile. ...
Ongulf: Maybe we can settle some mutual agreement of help in some way.
Player: Job
Ongulf: I am a grand master of the imperial mining guild. I am responsible for the project and for making sure that things here in the base run smoothly. ...
Ongulf: And it is me who is blamed if something from the mining operation to the toilets does not work like some spoiled dwarf with not a century of age under his beard might expect. ...
Ongulf: But since not even a dwarf can do everything on it's own, I am also assigning missions to promising individuals..
Player: Dwarf
Ongulf: You humans often think of us dwarfs as a shorter version of yourself. As a matter of fact we are quite different. ...
Ongulf: You'd have a hard time to understand our society and personality, and of course each dwarf is different just like there are no two rocks alike. Members of our race still have much in common, and we even have some things in common with humans. ...
Ongulf: You have to find out yourself which things. Form your own opinion and have a mind of your own.
Player: Bye
Ongulf: Bye.

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