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tibiasecrets emblem


Transcript of Puffels

tibiasecrets emblem


Transcript of Puffels

Player: hi / hello
Puffels: Yeah, another fool disturbing me, what a joy.
Player: army
Puffels: Fine army that is. Half of them have already deserted.
Player: carlin
Puffels: I don't care about some remote cities.
Player: curse / moon / were
Puffels: I don't know. You could ask the oh-so-mighty Zoltan, though.
Player: disturbing
Puffels: I have to teach the spells of least importance to some fools. Well, let's face it - to knights.
Player: edron
Puffels: Sciences are thriving on this isle.
Player: excalibug
Puffels: I have no use for such stuff.
Player: ferumbras
Puffels: The day will come even he makes a fatal casting mistake... I know what I am talking about.
Player: hugo
Puffels: Hugo? I heard it was an accident that created this beast.
Player: beast
Puffels: I don't know more about it.
Player: job
Puffels: I have to teach the spells of least importance to some fools. Well, let's face it - to knights.
Player: king
Puffels: I give nothing for kings, queens... or other people at all.
Player: name
Puffels: I am Magister Puffels, any problem with that?
Player: news / rumors
Puffels: I heard in Thais the new brand of cheese was... uhm...
Player: spell
Puffels: Not really. Due to some &#&$*# new academy rules I'm forced to teach knights only now. Me! Knights! Of all... ah, whatever. You have to go see Gundralph and Zoltan for spells.
Player: thais
Puffels: I was there once, almost died. The fools there mistook me for an ordinary rat, can you believe that!?
Player: tibia
Puffels: Bah, the whole Tibia can &#&$*# my #$&*!
Player: tibianus
Puffels: I give nothing for kings, queens... or other people at all.
Player: time
Puffels: Where might I hide a watch, you fool?
Player: bye
Puffels: Whatever.

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