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Transcript of Samir

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Transcript of Samir

Player: hi
Samir: Hmm. Good day, Player. What do you want from an old man?
Player: want / job
Samir: I don't have a job anymore. Long time ago, I used to be an assassin... but that is a dark chapter of my past. Nowadays I'm a simple hermit.
Player: assassin
Samir: It is true - I once made a living from... well, putting people away who made others feel uncomfortable. It is not an easy life.
Player: hermit
Samir: That is the life I chose now. My sins can't be made undone, but my life in solitude is my self-imposed punishment.
Player: life
Samir: You would not want to lead such a life, believe me. And I simply refuse to take anyone as my apprentice anymore.
Player: apprentice
Samir: No way. I am old and weary. If you really want to throw your life away and become an assassin, go bother Atrad, Vescu or Erayo and try not to get killed.
Player: Atrad
Samir: You got Atrad's katana? Impressive. That probably wasn't an easy task. Don't hurt yourself with it, kid.
Player: Vescu
Samir: Interesting. So you managed to talk an assassin outfit out of Vescu? Doesn't surprise me... that fool is easily manipulated.
Player: Erayo
Samir: You were able to sneak into Erayo's house? Hehe, that must have startled him.
Player: name
Samir: I never speak my name in front of others. I believe that doing so gives other people power over you.
Player: beggar
Samir: Don't insult me, Player. I have never begged for anything in my life, nor do I ask for alms.
Player: alms
Samir: I don't need that.
Player: forbidden
Samir: These islands are cursed. No captain will bring you there on his own free will, that's for sure.
Player: sin
Samir: Regret your own sins before you judge others.
Player: tiquanda
Samir: All this bustle in the jungle makes me nervous.
Player: Samir
Samir: Right. But it's not me who said that.
Player: bye
Samir: Always watch your back, Player.

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