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Sister Of Jack

Transcript of Sister Of Jack

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Sister Of Jack

Transcript of Sister Of Jack

Player: hi
Sister Of Jack: Mh hello there. What can I do for you?
Player: job
Sister Of Jack: I help my mother to do the housework.
Player: name
Sister Of Jack: I'm Jack's sister, and you should really not be here.
Player: jack / brother
Sister Of Jack: Oh this time he is in for it! Mother will be so upset!
Player: mother
Sister Of Jack: Mother takes good care of us. We never had to worry about anything, with her doing all the... thinking for us.
Player: thais
Sister Of Jack: I wanted to go there once, but mother said I shouldn't.
Player: excalibug
Sister Of Jack: I don't really know what you are talking about.
Player: edron
Sister Of Jack: Edron is our home and it will always be.
Player: king / tibianus
Sister Of Jack: I wanted to visit the king once but mother said I shouldn't go.
Player: army
Sister Of Jack: Jack never wanted to have anything to do with the army.
Player: news / rumours
Sister Of Jack: I guess I don't have any news for you.
Player: time
Sister Of Jack: It should be 10:58 pm by now.
Player: tibia
Sister Of Jack: I don't go outside much.
Player: bye
Sister Of Jack: Goodbye then

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