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Toothless Tim

Transcript of Toothless Tim

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Toothless Tim

Transcript of Toothless Tim

Player: hi / hello
Toothless Tim: Plll ghn nhhh.
Player: job
Toothless Tim: Mhrm buchhh acha hnnn.
Player: name
Toothless Tim: Glgl nhhh mahmooo glll.
Player: kiss
Toothless Tim: Shmmm gahhh hnn uhhk hnm bahh.
Player: day
Toothless Tim: A splendid day for a fancy conversation.
Player: bye / farewell
Toothless Tim: Bdlll.
Player: hi / hello (after drinking three beers)
Toothless Tim: Greetings my friend. What a splendid day we have, don't you agree.
Player: kiss (after drinking three beers)
Toothless Tim: Oh, you've already learnt everything I know.
Player: bye / farewell (after drinking three beers)
Toothless Tim: Good bye my friend. It was a pleasure to have a conversation with you.

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