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Transcript of Turvy

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Transcript of Turvy

Player: Hi
Turvy: Hello, dear Player. Can I be of any assistance? Just tell me if you'd like to trade weapons or armor.
Player: Name
Turvy: Some call me Turvy. Actually, everybody calls me Turvy.
Player: Job
Turvy: It is an absolute honour to provide weaponry and armor to the courageous adventurers of Thais, just so long as you have the gold to pay for it.
Player: Provide/Offer/Armor/Shields/Legs/Helmets/Stuff/Trousers
Turvy: My offers are weapons, armors, helmets, legs, and shields. If you'd like to see my offers, ask me for a trade.
Player: Magic
Turvy: Magic is a thing of the past. Why bother with a colourful bit of rock and a few fancy words when you can have a foot of razor-sharp steel in your hand?!
Player: Gamon
Turvy: Shhh! He's a spy! He watches us all the time! Just keep smiling and he'll go away!
Player: Eclesius
Turvy: There's always some gossip on the street about him. I've never met him in person though. I guess he doesn't need many weapons.
Player: Chester
Turvy: I have never heard any rumours concerning him, isn't that odd?
Player: Rumours/Gossip/News
Turvy: You know a rumour? Well then - don't keep it to yourself.
Player: Random word
Turvy: Go on! I can't wait to hear more!
Player: King
Turvy: Ah, yes, yes, hail to King Tibianus! May he in his infinite wisdom reduce my taxes... and so on...
Player: Thais
Turvy: Thais is OK - I suppose. Not as nice as Venore, but good for business.
Player: Venore
Turvy: Ah... Venore - a wonderful city! Full of culture! So many friendly faces! So unlike Thais!
Player: Carlin
Turvy: Those women really know how to run things - look at how well the trade is going there!
Player: Ab'dendriel
Turvy: Aah... a beautiful leafy city. Shame about the elves.
Player: Elves
Turvy: Elves are good with a bow and arrow, or so I am told. Shame that they are no good at peace-making.
Player: Time
Turvy: It is nearly time for my afternoon nap, so please hurry!
Player: Help
Turvy: Help to self-help - that is my motto.
Player: Sam
Turvy: A simple shopkeeper, who was last in the queue when they were handing out intelligence.
Player: God
Turvy: The Gods of Tibia play games with the fate of Tibians - but they haven't bothered to read the instructions.
Player: Weapons
Turvy: The word on the street is that Sam does not forge all his weapons himself, but buys them from his cousin, who is married to a cyclops.
Player: Sewer
Turvy: It is very effective, but attracts almost as many wannabe heroes as it does rats.
Player: Annoying
Turvy: Oh gosh - I could tell you some stories. But I won't.
Player: Ardua
Turvy: Well - she isn't really my kind of person. Please don't mention her name again.
Player: Spells
Turvy: Spells - dodgy mumbo jumbo if you ask me. A sword never backfires on its user!
Player: Assistant
Turvy: I am not a mere assistant! I have a job of great responsibility! But mostly I keep annoying personages away from my boss.
Player: Benjamin
Turvy: Ah, such a shame about poor Benjamin. Lost it a bit after receiving one too many blows to the head.
Player: Bozo
Turvy: Bozo - such a tragic story. If only I could remember it.
Player: Quest
Turvy: Hmmm yes. I think Topsy might have something for you.
Player: Power
Turvy: There are people who talk about a rebellion against King Tibianus.
Player: Dungeon
Turvy: If you want to see dungeons go and insult the guards. On second thoughts - don't do that.
Player: Dwarf
Turvy: I don't know much about them - there are some civilised dwarves, of course, but I can never tell whether they are male or female.
Player: Elane
Turvy: A true tragedy - she has lost so many husbands in such unusual circumstances.
Player: Gamel
Turvy: Some sinister guy that is. He's not allowed to enter that markethall and that's for a good reason.
Player: Gorn
Turvy: He does a good line in second-rate scrolls for first-rate prices.
Player: How are you?
Turvy: I'm just fine and dandy, thank you for asking.
Player: Kazordoon
Turvy: You need to shrink before you go there - they say the dwarves aren't too keen on sharing their mountain with us Tibians.
Player: Monster
Turvy: There is a monster here? HERE?! Time to double the prices!
Player: Partos
Turvy: Some thief they caught for all I know.
Player: Quentin
Turvy: You can't teach an old monk new tricks. He is stubborn to the extreme and overly concerned about Thais. He should care more about his gods and less about that king.
Player: Rebellion
Turvy: Well, Venore is richer than Thais, and some people want to live in a democracy free from an oppressive tyrant - I mean monarch. I'm not one of them.
Player: Thank you
Turvy: So polite . . . bless you!
Player: Trade
Turvy: Of course, just browse through my wares.
Player: Bye/Farewell
Turvy: Good bye, Player. Do come again!

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