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Transcript of Zarak

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Transcript of Zarak

Player: hi / hello
Zarak: Greetingsss, Player. What do you want?
Player: alchemist quarter
Zarak: If you want to die by a plague, jussst go there!
Player: arena quarter
Zarak: The gladiatorsss know to fight, but they don't know how to battle.
Player: blood crystal
Zarak: A true warrior doesssn't need jewellery.
Player: druid
Zarak: They try to massster the powersss of nature, but they fail to sssee the sssnake in the grasss.
Player: excalibug
Zarak: The great ssserpent wouldn't allow that sssuch a weapon exisssted.
Player: factory quarter
Zarak: I don't mind that thisss ssstinking factoriesss are out of busssinesss.
Player: foreign quarter
Zarak: What a foolish idea to open the city for the enemy!
Player: job
Zarak: I teach the artsss of the warrior. I know ssseveral ssspellsss I might ssshare with a worthy knight.
Player: knight
Zarak: What you clumsssy humannsss call fighting looksss asss akwardly asss a bear trying to catch a fly. True warriorsss fight with ssskill rather than with power.
Player: magic
Zarak: Magic isss a tool of the godsss. Only holy men are allowed to wield sssuch power. You humansss play way too freely with magic.
Player: magician quarter
Zarak: Sssoft ssskinned humansss are to obsssessed with magic.
Player: news
Zarak: A wind of change isss blowing in Yalahar.
Player: palimuth
Zarak: Sssoft and without pride. The choice of a ssservant tellsss much about itsss massster.
Player: serpent
Zarak: Your warm-blooded brain can't comprehend the waysss of the great ssserpent.
Player: sorcerer
Zarak: They dabble with powersss far older than their art. One day thisss power will ssswallow them all.
Player: spell
Zarak: Sorry, I don't teach spells for your vocation.
Player: spellbook
Zarak: In a ssspellbook, your ssspells are lisssted. You will find the pronunciation of each ssspell in there.
Player: sunken quarter
Zarak: Now the quara rule at a place which once belonged to the city.
Player: tibia
Zarak: The world is nothing but an egg of the great ssserpent.
Player: vocation
Zarak: Your vocation isss your professsion. There are four vocationsss in Tibia: knightsss, paladinsss, sssorcerersss, and druidsss.
Player: weapon
Zarak: You sssoft ssskinsss rely too much on armor and weaponsss. A true warrior usssesss hisss whole body asss a weapon.
Player: yalahar
Zarak: My people know a lot about lossst greatnesss. Ssstill, don't expect to sssee me mourning.
Player: yalahari
Zarak: They can't hide under their rock forever. Asss sssoon asss they leave their shelter, the predatorsss will ssstrike.
Player: bye / farewell
Zarak: We'll meet again.

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