Written by: Bosst
Views: 1523
We are proud to present the results of our Secrets of Tibia contest. It turned out to be a total success. We received many wonderful entries and we regret that we could not award all of them.
Nevertheless, we have managed to extend the prize pool as much as possible, thanks to which 7 authors will receive great items. The whole TibiaSecrets team participated in the voting – there were 5 judges.
„The Basilisk – One Piece of the Puzzle” by Meadek
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„Treasure Island – The story of how I pursued the cursed treasure” by Senior Captain Marten
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„The Minotaur Society” by Akuma Nikaido
„The Djinn Wars” by Makadamia
„The secret evil lurking under Zao” by Jefir Infallible
„The truth of Tibianus, the secret behind the Demon on the Liberty Bay” by Smashed
„Djinns: forgotten by the gods?” by Healyeah
Big congratulations to the winners and thanks to all the participants for being part of the competition. Expect another edition this year.
The authors who have won the second, fourth, fifth and sixth place are asked to send us an email (sent from the same address you used to submit your entry) with their chosen prize.
The publication of the winning articles will take place soon and we will call this event ’The Great Mystery Fest’. 7 articles will be published simultaneously on the homepage – a real treat for fans of this type of content. But we need to prepare for this, so stay tuned. The rest of the articles, which didn’t make the top 6, will be published shortly after – on our forum.
I love how articles uncover more content in Tibia and help me understand Tibian universe better.