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Transcript of Bertram

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Transcript of Bertram

Player: gossip/rumor/rumour
Bertram: A good servant would never lower himself to participate in gossip.
Player: Herbert
Bertram: He is not only extremely stupid and uncultivated, but also quite greedy.
Player: job
Bertram: I'm a servant of Mr. Loveless.
Player: key/fish
Bertram: Pssst. You got that key, and now leave please.
Player: kiss
Bertram: I'd rather kiss a pig.
Player: Liberty Bay
Bertram: A lovely little place, isn't it?
Player: Loveless/Theodore
Bertram: Mr. Loveless is a very important person. It's my privilege to help him sometimes.
Player: manners
Bertram: As a servant I'm schooled in proper behaviour and adequate speech.
Player: merchant/trader
Bertram: The Venorean traders have vital interests in Liberty Bay.
Player: name
Bertram: My name isBertram.
Player: pirates
Bertram: What a disgusting topic. I'd expected something else of you.
Player: random word
Bertram: I'm sorry but I'm not supposed to indulge in gossip.
Player: servant
Bertram: I'm responsible for Mr. Loveless's wellness and happiness ...
Bertram: I see to it that his slippers are ready in the morning, prepare his meals and serve them to him, and other things like that.
Player: thais
Bertram: Thais is by far not at the forefront when it comes to manners and cultivated behaviour.
Player: venore
Bertram: Venore is a wonderful town. I'm positive, one day, Mr. Loveless will return to Venore.

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