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Transcript of Maris

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Transcript of Maris

Player: hi / hello
Maris: I hope you have a good reason to step near my ship, Mogh.
Player: job
Maris: I once sailed all seas of Tibia. No storm was too powerful and no sea too troubled for me and my ship.
Player: name
Maris: I'm Maris Sharktooth. Arrr! - Well, I used to be.
Player: cookie
Maris: Get off!
Player: alori mort
Maris: Stop mumbling and don't bug me.
Player: vampire
Maris: I don't know what you're talking about.
Player: Julius
Maris: He sometimes sneaks around here. I have no idea what he's up to.
Player: Serafin
Maris: Such a polite little angel. Hahaha.
Player: Armenius
Maris: Good guy to have a drink with, if you know what I mean.
Player: Ortheus
Maris: He seems like a crazy old magician or something like that. Don't have much to do with him.
Player: Lisander
Maris: He used to hang out with Armenius and me, but nowadays he prefers to stay in the centre.
Player: yalahar
Maris: I don't mind having ended up here. There are worse places.
Player: augur
Maris: They don't let me anchor my ship in the central harbour, so of course I'm not exactly fond of them.
Player: ship / passage / go / destination / trip / route
Maris: There are two small islands west of Yalahar. I'm not sure if they have an official name but the people call the bigger one 'Mistrock' and the other one 'Fenrock'.
Player: fenrock
Maris: Do I look like a ferryman?! Well... if I think about it, I could use some sailing practice. I can bring you to Fenrock for 100 gold. Agreed?
Player: mistrock
Maris: Do I look like a ferryman?! Well... if I think about it, I could use some sailing practice. I can bring you to Mistrock for 100 gold. Agreed?
Player: quarter
Maris: Oh well, I stick with what I got.
Player: blood
Maris: No, thanks.
Player: mission / quest
Maris: Those days are over, kid. I don't hire for my crew anymore.
Player: mistrock (on Mistrock)
Maris: Do you smell this? It's the smell of fire... the fire of a forge. Many people searched this rock here for a hidden path, but they haven't found anything. ...
Maris: I'd search on Fenrock if I were you. Even though there's snow on the surface, it's still warm underground. There are often caves under fresh lava streams.
Player: Fenrock (on Fenrock)
Maris: This island bears a secret. I can feel it.
Player: Fenrock (on Mistrock)
Maris: To Fenrock for 50 gold?
Player: yalahar (on Mistrock or Fenrock)
Maris: Back to Yalahar for 100 gold?
Player: mistrock (on Fenrock)
Maris: To Mistrock for 100 gold?
Player: ship / passage / go / destination / trip / route (on Fenrock)
Maris: Well, we haven't got many options here. It's either Mistrock or back to Yalahar.
Player: ship / passage / go / destination / trip / route (on Mistrock)
Maris: Well, we haven't got many options here. It's either Fenrock or back to Yalahar.
Player: bye
Maris: Good bye.

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