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Transcript of Uso

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Transcript of Uso

Player: hi
Uso: Hiho Player. Looking for a knight trainer? I'm your man.
Player: name
Uso: I'm called Uso Oredigger, son of the Flame from the Dragoneaters.
Player: time
Uso: Time is of little importance at this forsaken place.
Player: temple
Uso: There is a provisional temple created by he humans here.
Player: king
Uso: Human kings are not of interest for me.
Player: venore / thais / carlin / edron
Uso: To me one human is just as good as the other. I don't care what city they are from.
Player: jungle
Uso: The heat and all those trees are just horrible. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the gold.
Player: tibia
Uso: The world is big but only the random places where gold and treasures can be found are of importance, jawoll.
Player: kazordoon
Uso: We dwarfs call it our home since the dawn of time. I miss Kazordoon a lot, but gold is more important. After I have made a fortune here, I will return home and might settle down.
Player: dwarves / dwarfs
Uso: We are a proud race. Dwarfs are strong and fearless. We can even survive in this forsaken jungle, jawoll.
Player: ab'dendriel
Uso: That's just a bunch of trees but no city.
Player: elves / elfs
Uso: I wonder why we see so few elves over here. Those tree people should love this cursed jungle, but even they stay away.
Player: darama
Uso: I wonder which part of Darama is worse, the jungle or the desert. This whole continent is a dwarf's nightmare.
Player: ankrahmun
Uso: Another monument of the madness of the human race. Worship of death or undeath or whatever ... I wonder how often I must be slammed on my head to think of such a crazy idea.
Player: ferumbras
Uso: He would be at least a diversion from all those crawling and flying insects.
Player: excalibug
Uso: If it has ever been in this area, it surely would be rusty by now.
Player: apes
Uso: It wouldn't surprise me if they were nothing than elves disguised with furs.
Player: lizards
Uso: They say the lizards had a lot of gold in their ancient cities. Perhaps one day we will go there and look for it.
Player: dworcs
Uso: I recently broke the nose of a guy who dared to claim that those headhunters are related to dwarfs.
Player: spells
Uso: Sorry, I don't teach spells for your vocation.
Player: job / trainers
Uso: I'm the head of a little mining operation here and I train knights and teach them spells in my spare time to prevent my old body from rusting.
Player: poem
Uso: I'm a knight trainer. I don't know any poems.
Player: bye / farewell
Uso: So long.

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