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New team member!

New team member!


Written by: Bosst

Views: 1656

EN | PL | BR
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We would like to pay respects to our Brazilian community, which is the majority of TibiaSecrets users. That is why we decided to invite a new member to our crew.

Lehula Dohon has joined our team and assumed the duties of the Portuguese Translator.

Thanks to him, all of our future publications will be published not only in English and Polish but also in Portuguese.

You can find some more information about Lehula in the About Us section.


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Name TC Amount
Sabin Rene 1000TC
Cavaleiro Kyon Efusa 600TC
Anonymous 550TC
Hegal 500TC
Pala Thebs 250TC
Acolyte Rain 250TC
Vall Astaoldana 150TC
Parrilla 100TC

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