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Transcript of Ariella

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Transcript of Ariella

Player: hi / hello
Ariella: Hi there Player, and welcome to my tavern.
Player: addon / outfit / hat
Ariella: You mean my hat? Hmm, I might have another one just like that, but I don't fully trust you yet. Become one of us by solving all missions entrusted to you, and we will see.
Player: cake
Ariella: Sorry, but I'm all out of stock.
Player: Carlin
Ariella: Carlin is too far away to be of any concern for us.
Player: Charlotta
Ariella: Can you imagine that she was already old when I was a little girl?
Player: Chondur
Ariella: He is a strange fellow, but given his profession, he's probably supposed to behave in a strange way.
Player: cult
Ariella: Chondur looks out that our little community does not get associated with that cult.
Player: excalibug
Ariella: If you ever stumble upon that weapon, I know some persons that are interested in buying it for a decent price.
Player: Ferumbras
Ariella: The regulars often tell stories about this evil mage. Some claim to have heard his laughter in the howling of a storm.
Player: governor
Ariella: The governor is just a Venorean puppet.
Player: Isolde
Ariella: A paladin that rarely leaves the bastion.
Player: job
Ariella: I run this tavern. If you know anything about sailors, you will know what an essential job that is .
Player: king
Ariella: I wish that fine king would walk in here some day. Boy, I'd give him a piece of my mind for sure.
Player: liberty bay
Ariella: Liberty Bay was once my home but I feel comfortable here too. There is nothing that I really miss.
Player: loveless / theodore
Ariella: He and the governor are good pals. Loveless' wishes are the governor's commands.
Player: mission
Ariella: I have no further missions for you, sorry.
Player: name
Ariella: My name is Ariella, sweety.
Player: natives
Ariella: We feel ourselves as natives of these isles.
Player: offer / buy / goods / sell / equipment / stuff / ware
Ariella: I can offer you food and drinks. I also offer juice squeezers. If you like to see my offers, ask me for a trade.
Player: pirate
Ariella: The true pirates are those that give us a bad name. They operate from a place called the Howling Grotto as far as I know. I have no clue where that might be though.
Player: plantation
Ariella: Did you know that they harvest the sugar canes with fire?
Player: quara
Ariella: The fishmen are terrifying. They are the nightmare that lurks in the depths of the sea.
Player: rum
Ariella: Rum is a sailor's lifeblood.
Player: Striker
Ariella: Ray is our leader. He neither was elected nor asked for this position. He's just the best captain we have and he is very smart.
Player: sugar
Ariella: Rum is made of sugar.
Player: task
Ariella: I can't think of any task for you right now.
Player: thais
Ariella: For all what I have heard of my regulars, it is a loud and crowded town.
Player: trade
Ariella: Of course, take a look at my tasty offers.
Player: Tristan
Ariella: A young knight from Thais who defeated some of our best men in combat.
Player: venore
Ariella: They say that Venore is responsible for many bad things that have happened to Liberty Bay. We made them pay for what they did to us and we'll continue to do so until these moneybags give up and retreat.
Player: voodoo
Ariella: No talks about magic and that stuff in my tavern!
Player: Wyrmslicer
Ariella: The others say he's quite competent and makes life hard for us and our ships.
Player: tavern
Ariella: I can offer you food and drinks. I also offer juice squeezers. If you like to see my offers, ask me for a trade.
Player: food
Ariella: Are you looking for food? I have cheese, ham, and meat as well as a variety of fruits. Just ask me for a trade.
Player: drinks
Ariella: Well, we usually drink rum here, but right now we're running dry. However, I sell juice squeezers to make fruit juice. If you're interested, ask me for a trade.
Player: fruits
Ariella: I have bananas, apples, oranges, strawberries, melons, pumpkins, blueberries, mangoes and pears, sweety. Just ask me for a trade.
Player: bye / farewell
Ariella: Good bye.

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