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Transcript of Hoaxette

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Transcript of Hoaxette

Player: hi / hello
Hoaxette: Hiddeliho my friend Mogh!
Player: buy / sell / stuff / offer / equipment / goods / ware
Hoaxette: I sell special spellwands, pillows and presents that have ... funny effects. Where would be the fun if I told everything you about it? Ask me for a trade!
Player: explo
Hoaxette: Hahaha! Did you like it?? I hope you weren't the victim and bear me a grudge. If you need something to play a prank on somebody, just let me know. I'm in town for the whole month.
Player: fart
Hoaxette: Oh, you own one of my super soft pillows, right? Or do you have flatulence?
Player: flatulence
Hoaxette: I'm so sorry for you. Hahaha! You could buy a super soft pillow to take revenge on the people who make jokes about you!
Player: friend / job
Hoaxette: I'm here to enrich your life and to sell little trinkets of fun and joy. Just ask about my goods if you like to learn more.
Player: frog
Hoaxette: Oh, the spellwand turned YOU into a frog?? I'm really sorry....NOT!! Hahahaha! Sorry........muahahaha!
Player: fun
Hoaxette: If it were up to me, the whole year would be prank time!
Player: joke
Hoaxette: I'm not specialised in telling jokes - I'm offering ITEMS that make people laugh. I can tell you something about my offers if you are interested.
Player: king
Hoaxette: I'd love to play a prank on the king if he showed up here.
Player: mad sheep
Hoaxette: Really? That must have been a side effect that was not intended... a funny one though.
Player: name
Hoaxette: I'm the lovely, inimitable, and hilarious Hoaxette. I'll stay here for the whole month before I leave this country again.
Player: news
Hoaxette: Best news is that I'm in town for the whole month!
Player: pillow
Hoaxette: I love this one. Just let someone step on it and...well...you'll see . Ask me for a trade if you want to buy one!
Player: prank
Hoaxette: A prank in the morning and the day won't be boring . I offer funny items for this purpose. Let me know if you are interested in my offers.
Player: present
Hoaxette: Don't open it by yourself! You won't be able to return it . Ask me for a trade if you want to buy one!
Player: spellwand
Hoaxette: It casts minor magic spells on your target. Just try it and you'll see... Ask me for a trade if you want to buy one!
Player: trade
Hoaxette: Have fun with all my ... funny stuff.
Player: bye
Hoaxette: See you, Mogh! Have fun playing pranks on your friends!
Player: jester / doll
Hoaxette: Oh! Have you found all six parts of a jester doll and would like me to assemble them?
Player: yes
Hoaxette: Are you trying to make a fool out of me? You don't have all six body parts!
Player: jester / doll
Hoaxette: Oh! Have you found all six parts of a jester doll and would like me to assemble them?
Player: no
Hoaxette: Well, admittedly, owning parts of a doll can be just as fun. Hehe!

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