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Transcript of Marcus

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Transcript of Marcus

Player: hi / hello
Marcus: Ahoi. What is your business in the harbour?
Player: carlin
Marcus: A horrible town for a sailor. Imagine a town without alcohol, ruled by women! I guess if you are a pirate or some other dog, your afterlife starts in Carlin.
Player: chondur
Marcus: He is just some old man about which the townspeople are talking now and then. Who cares.
Player: cult
Marcus: People believe every nonsense. It is no surprise that there is some cult around here.
Player: eleonore
Marcus: The governor's little princess, eh? Too fine and important to care about us ordinary people of course. Why should we care about her?
Player: excalibug
Marcus: I swear I have seen it in the bay just outside of Liberty Bay, deep in the ocean. I was ... uhm catching some fresh air after a night of rum and card games. I looked over the railing into the sea and suddenly I saw that sword in a heap of gold and jewels.
Player: Explorer Society
Marcus: What a bunch of rich and ignorant fools. They have nothing better to do than their oh so important explorations whereas normal people like me have to actually work to earn their living.
Player: ferumbras
Marcus: Although he's dead, they say that he is the father of all klabautermen.
Player: governor
Marcus: The governor does his job I guess.
Player: harbour / job
Marcus: I keep an eye on the cargo here in the harbour.
Player: here / Liberty Bay
Marcus: If people would mind their own business, the city could be a better place.
Player: Isolde
Marcus: You know, the spooky thing about her is that just before her arrival, a ship sunk whose figurehead was Isolde's dead-ringer.
Player: king
Marcus: The king lives far away and appears like a fairy tale over here.
Player: klabauter
Marcus: A klabauterman is some sort of imp that lives on ships and plays quite evil and sometimes lethal pranks on those who annoy him or don't buy his sympathy with little gifts.
Player: Loveless / Theodore
Marcus: A typical Venorean - rich and stiff. You never know what those moneybags are up to.
Player: natives
Marcus: Natives, eh? Well, I live here long enough to consider myself as a native. So mind your words.
Player: pirate
Marcus: I killed my share of pirates in my youth. Dogs that give sailors a bad name. Nothing more than bandits.
Player: plantations
Marcus: There are numerous plantations outside the town. You can't miss them.
Player: quara
Marcus: The quara are one of the most murderous threats that the sea gave birth too. I would rather face a giant sea serpent than a horde of quara ...
Marcus: In the case of a sea serpent you know at least that you'll end up devoured, but who knows what the quara will do to you.
Player: Raymond Striker
Marcus: Just another lousy pirate, although a quite daring and successful one.
Player: rum
Marcus: We have to guard the rum especially carefully. I can't count anymore the numerous times that someone tried to steal rum from us.
Player: sugar
Marcus: Of course sugar is what we hoard most.
Player: thais
Marcus: Go away with that Thais. I've been there and I've seen it. Not impressive at all.
Player: Tristan
Marcus: I don't know him well. He's some knight up in the bastion in the mountains.
Player: venore
Marcus: They build fine ships in this town. That's the best I can say about it. If you do not have enough money, you are nothing in Venore.
Player: voodoo
Marcus: Hah! What they call voodoo here is nothing compared to the things I have seen on my journeys when I was still young. I could tell you stories that would turn your hair grey ... but I am not in the mood of storytelling right now.
Player: Wyrmslicer
Marcus: He knows the seas quite well. I think he could do better than to waste his time in some fort. He could sail the seas as a captain. To forfeit such a chance ... just imagine.
Player: bye / farewell
Marcus: Bye.

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