Player: hi / hello
Red Lilly: Hello sweetie. If you need general equipment, stuff like that, let me know.
Player: Charlotta
Red Lilly: Just between you and me hun, that woman is a witch. Love potions, poison, voodoo dolls to torture your neighbour. You name it, she got it.
Player: cult
Red Lilly: Uh!
Player: djinn
Red Lilly: Kshh!! No talks about ... the magic folk here ... This might draw their attention.
Player: Eleonore
Red Lilly: Hard to imagine that this fat man has such a pretty daughter.
Player: Ferumbras
Red Lilly: Don't mention HIM in my house you fool. You call evil and mayhem upon us.
Player: food
Red Lilly: I am not dealing with food.
Player: governor
Red Lilly: I won't say anything bad about such a high-born person. That's why I remain silent hun
Player: job
Red Lilly: I run this little pawnshop, hun, but I think you knew that already.
Player: king
Red Lilly: What interest could a king have in this little settlement? If a king cares about us, there must be something important behind all this.
Player: liberty bay
Red Lilly: Liberty comes, liberty goes, only the bay stays. Hehe.
Player: light
Red Lilly: I sell torches, candelabra, and oil.
Player: loveless / theodore
Red Lilly: That guy is a shrewd trader, sweetie. I bet even I could learn a thing or two from him.
Player: offer / buy / goods / sell / equipment / stuff / ware
Red Lilly: I have shovels, picks, scythes, bags, ropes, backpacks, plates, scrolls, watches, some lightsources, and other stuff. Just ask me for a trade.
Player: pirate
Red Lilly: Mostly, pirates are bad for business. But sometimes, they are good for business.
Player: plantations
Red Lilly: Sadly the workers have hardly enough money to buy something to eat and to drink. That is bad also for my business.
Player: quara
Red Lilly: The quara are the curse of the sea. Everybody that dares to enrage the sea spirits has to fear their vengeance. They come at night to kidnap people who forgot their lucky charms at home ...
Red Lilly: Sometimes those evil beings take the most naughty children to raise them as their own underwater.
Player: rum
Red Lilly: Ah, there is little in the world that comes close to the taste of rum.
Player: Striker
Red Lilly: I heard there is a fine bounty on his head. Would be a shame though to lose such a handsome man to the executioner
Player: sugar
Red Lilly: Sugar lets the money flow. We depend heavily on it.
Player: thais
Red Lilly: Thais might be a splendid town, but this is of no use to us here. The situation in our town gets worse with every ship full of foreigners that arrives here.
Player: trade
Red Lilly: Of course, just browse through my wares. Remember that if you buy vials of oil, there's a deposit of 5 gold on the empty one.
Player: venore
Red Lilly: I heard Venore will soon acquire several trade monopolies that will grant them wealth for centuries.
Player: voodoo
Red Lilly: Well,
Player: Wyrmslicer
Red Lilly: A handsome man but a bit too stiff. I think no one has ever had a chance to see him smiling.
Player: bye / farewell
Red Lilly: Good bye sweetie.
Player: vial
Red Lilly: I will pay you 5 gold for every empty vial. Ok?
Player: no
Red Lilly: Hmm, but please keep Tibia litter free.
Player: vial
Red Lilly: I will pay you 5 gold for every empty vial. Ok?
Player: yes
Red Lilly: You don't have any empty vials.
Name | TC Amount |
Sabin Rene | 1000TC |
Cavaleiro Kyon Efusa | 600TC |
Anonymous | 550TC |
Hegal | 500TC |
Pala Thebs | 250TC |
Acolyte Rain | 250TC |
Vall Astaoldana | 150TC |
Parrilla | 100TC |
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