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Shoddy Beggar

Transcript of Shoddy Beggar

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Shoddy Beggar

Transcript of Shoddy Beggar

Player: hi / hello
Shoddy Beggar: What do you want? Listen to the old madman? If you have nothing to spare, leave me alone.
Player: army
Shoddy Beggar: Soldiers... learning ways to fight monsters instead of fighting to learn the way to the root of all this evil.
Player: Edron
Shoddy Beggar: I thought this was the city of knowledge, arts and exploration. Instead I found this academy full of... *mumbles*
Player: Excalibug
Shoddy Beggar: I heard about the legend, but I don't know how much of it is actually true.
Player: job
Shoddy Beggar: Are you kidding me? Do I look like a... well, we'd better change the topic.
Player: King / Tibianus
Shoddy Beggar: Tibianus? What is a king measured against a scientist? What is wealth measured against wisdom?
Player: name
Shoddy Beggar: My name is... not of your concern.
Player: news / rumors / rumours
Shoddy Beggar: Every day is the same in the streets.
Player: Sea
Shoddy Beggar: Ah, the sea of light... we are surrounded by it. It holds the secrets of our very existence, the meaning of - ah you wouldn't even understand.
Player: Spectulus / astronomer
Shoddy Beggar: Pah, he thinks he knows what holds the world together - in fact he's just as clueless as the rest of the academy. *mumbles*
Player: Tibia
Shoddy Beggar: It is but one world in an endless sea of light.
Player: time
Shoddy Beggar: Must be about 12:43 am.
Player: mission / quest / spare
Shoddy Beggar: Hmm, if you can spare one gold... we can talk. What do you say?
Player: yes
Shoddy Beggar: Very kind indeed. Maybe you are not such a bad guy after all. Maybe I can even give it back to you one day... you know I was not always like that *mumbles*.
Player: mission / quest / spare
Shoddy Beggar: Hmm, if you can spare one gold... we can talk. What do you say?
Player: yes
Shoddy Beggar: Is that all you have? That would be less than I have... *mumbles*
Player: mission / quest / spare
Shoddy Beggar: Hmm, if you can spare one gold... we can talk. What do you say?
Player: no
Shoddy Beggar: Mean, heartless... go and leave me be.
Player: bye
Shoddy Beggar: Yes, whatever.

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