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Transcript of Todd

tibiasecrets emblem


Transcript of Todd

Player: hi / hello
Todd: Uhm oh hello Player... not so loud please... my head... What ... do you want?
Player: want / job
Todd: I am... a traveller. Just leave me alone if you have nothing interesting to talk about.
Player: interesting / trade
Todd: I'd really like to rebuild my reputation someday and maybe find a nice girl. If you come across scrolls of heroic deeds or addresses of lovely maidens... let me know! ...
Todd: Oh no, it doesn't matter what name is on the scrolls. I'm, uhm... flexible! And money - yes, I can pay. My, erm... uncle died recently and left me a pretty sum. Yes.
Player: how are you
Todd: Oh, this headache, one of the beers Frodo served me must have been foul.
Player: name
Todd: My Name? I am To... ahm... hum... My name is Hugo.
Player: hugo
Todd: Yes, that's my name of course.
Player: thais
Todd: I love that city.
Player: resistance
Todd: Resistance is futile... uhm... I wonder where I picked that saying up. Oh my head...
Player: head
Todd: Uhhh ohhhh one of the beers yesterday must have been bad.
Player: william
Todd: That's a common name, perhaps I met a William, not sure about that.
Player: money
Todd: I don't know anything about money, missing or not.
Player: todd
Todd: Uh .. I... I met a Todd on the road. He told me he was traveling to Venore, look there for your Todd.
Player: Eclesius
Todd: He often comes here. But his constant confusion gives me a worse headache than Frodo's beer. I rather avoid him.
Player: carlin
Todd: I never was there! Now leave me alone.
Player: karl
Todd: Uhm, never heard about him... and you can't prove otherwise.
Player: smuggler
Todd: I am a honest person and don't like to be insulted!
Player: bye / farewell
Todd: Yes, goodbye Player, just leave me alone.

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